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(Last Year Notes on Grammar)
English Grammar and Composition
Class VI
A noun is a word which is the name of a person, place or thing;
as ––
India, Mohan, taxi, class, toy, boy, table, etc.
at these sentences :
1. The boys killed the snake.
2. Roses are beautiful flowers.
3. The fox is looking at the grapes.
The underlined words in the above
sentences are all nouns be- cause they are the names of some person, place,
animal or thing.
There are four kinds of noun :
1. Common Noun 3. Collective Noun 2. Proper Noun 4.
Abstract Noun
1. Common Nouns
A Common Noun is the name of every person, place or thing of the
same class; as ––
pen, cow, bird, man, animal, bridge
at these sentences :
1. The boys are playing.
2. These oranges are juicy.
3. The birds are flying to their nests.
The underlined words in the above
sentences are Common Nouns because they are common to every person, place or
EXERCISES I. Underline the Common Nouns in the following
sentences :
1. Keep the books on the table.
2. The shops are closed today.
3. The tiger lives in the forest.
4. The farmer bought a tractor.
5. This building has many offices.
6. There is a dairy near our house.
7. All birds do not build their nests.
8. A fish lives in water and not on land.
2. The shops are closed today.
3. The tiger lives in the forest.
4. The farmer bought a tractor.
5. This building has many offices.
6. There is a dairy near our house.
7. All birds do not build their nests.
8. A fish lives in water and not on land.
Add five Common Nouns in each set :
1. birds :
2. colours :
3. games :
4. animals :
5. vegetables :
6. fruits :
7. In a school :
8. In a house :
2. colours :
3. games :
4. animals :
5. vegetables :
6. fruits :
7. In a school :
8. In a house :
parrot, red, hockey, dog, potato, mango, library, kitchen,
2. Proper Nouns
Proper Noun is the name of some particular person, place or thing; as ––
Delhi, Mumbai, Rama, Jamuna.
at these sentences :
1. Moti loves to play.
2. My uncle lives in Delhi.
3. C.V. Raman was a great scientist.
4. The Janta Express has left just now.
The underlined words in the above sentences are proper
nouns because they are the names of particular persons, places or things.
Note that ––
A Proper Noun always begins with a capital letter.
Proper Nouns include the names of people, countries, cities,
villages, rivers, ships, streets, buildings, mountains, seas, months of the
year, days of the week, festivals, etc.
EXERCISES I. Underline the Proper Nouns in the following
sentences :
1. We named the cat Silky.
2. Kabir was a great saint.
3. We visited the Taj in Agra.
4. Delhi is the capital of India.
5. I have never been to Mumbai.
6. Misha and Manu went to Delhi.
7. Do you know Sunny and Chinky ?
8. We visited the Golden Temple on Sunday.
2. Kabir was a great saint.
3. We visited the Taj in Agra.
4. Delhi is the capital of India.
5. I have never been to Mumbai.
6. Misha and Manu went to Delhi.
7. Do you know Sunny and Chinky ?
8. We visited the Golden Temple on Sunday.
Rewrite each Proper Noun correctly in these sentences :
1. Have you visited the Taj Mahal ?
2. I am going to ropar on monday.
3. The amritsar mail goes to kolkata.
muslims go to mosques on fridays.
5. black beauty is the story of a horse.
Where were the last olympics held ?
7. bill clinton was the president of
3. Abstract Nouns An Abstract Noun is the name of a
quality, feeling or state; as ––
goodness, hardness, wisdom, love, hatred, theft, boyhood,
slavery, freedom. Look at these sentences :
1. Fire gives us heat.
2. He had pain in his legs.
3. She acted upon my advice.
4. What is the depth of this river ?
The underlined words in the above sentences are abstract nouns because they refer to some quality, feeling or state.
4. What is the depth of this river ?
The underlined words in the above sentences are abstract nouns because they refer to some quality, feeling or state.
The following words are all Abstract Nouns :
theft peace poverty kindness hope misery honesty darkness
truth greed courage weakness sleep sorrow sickness childhood death hunger
patience treatment
EXERCISES I. Underline the Abstract Nouns in the following
sentences :
1. Please control your anger. 2. Honesty is the best
policy. 3. There was silence all around. 4. We get knowledge from books. 5.
There was darkness in the room. 6. What is the height of this building ? 7. You
should have kindness for the poor. 8. Wars always bring death and destruction.
Form Abstract Nouns from the given words :
– laughter
hate –
true – treat –
child – soft –
cruel – bright –
brave – strong –
punctual – dangerous –
Use any five Abstract Nouns in sentences of your own :
She likes the softness of her
skin. 2. 3. 4.
4. Collective Nouns A Collective Noun is the name of a group of
persons, animals or things of the same kind; as ––
flock, cattle, class, army,
family, committee. Look at these sentences :
1. Our team won the match. 2. I have lost my bunch of
keys. 3. The cattle are grazing in the field. The underlined words in the above
sentences are collective nouns because they refer to a collection of persons or
things of the same kind.
The word team stands for a collection of players. The word
cattle stands for a collection of farm animals. The word bunch stands for a
collection of things fastened together.
the following Collective Nouns :
1. a shoal of fish 13. a gang of thieves 2. a hive of bees
14. a library of books 3. a pride of lions 15. a bundle of sticks 4. a herd of
cattle 16. a bench of judges 5. a flight of stairs 17. a crowd of people 6. a
bunch of keys 18. a brood of chickens 7. a flock of sheep 19. a band of
musicians 8. a crew of sailors 20. a wardrobe of clothes 9. a heap of stones
21. a regiment of soldiers 10.a string of pearls 22. a fleet of ships or cars
11.a suite of rooms 23. a litter of pups / piglets 12.a basket of fruits 24. a
pack of cards / wolves
EXERCISES I. Match the Collective Nouns with the given
phrases :
1. A collection of pups pack 2. A collection of ships
flock 3. A collection of sheep fleet 4. A collection of books suite 5. A
collection of rooms litter 6. A collection of wolves herd 7. A collection of
flowers library 8. A collection of elephants bouquet
Fill in the blanks with suitable Collective Nouns :
1. A
of stairs. 2. A of fish. 3. A of
lions. 4. A of cows. 5. A of cards. 6. A of fruits. 7. A of pearls. 8. A of
judges. 9. A of grapes. 10.A of clothes. 11.A of thieves. 12.A of soldiers.
I. What is a Noun ? II. Name the different kinds of Noun.
Give two examples of each. III. The italicized words in the
following sentences are Nouns. Classify
these Nouns (Common / Proper / Abstract / Collective) : 1.
He won much praise. 2. Nitin lives in Mumbai. 3. I saw a flock of sheep. 4.
Silver is a white metal. 5. You cannot cheat God. 6. My sweater is made of
wool. 7. I bought some new furniture. 8. The old woman was very happy now.
Choose suitable Nouns to fill in the blanks :
duty profit courage marriage need weight freedom childhood
1. Be careful about your
weight . 2. We want
to live in . 3. Her took place last month. 4. It is our to obey our parents. 5.
Seema lost her parents in her . 6. We helped him when he was in . 7. The
soldier was rewarded for his . 8. Jatin made good from his business.
Pick out the Nouns in the following sentences and say whether
they are Common, Proper, Collective or Abstract : 1. I
love music. 2. Meera studies in sixth class. 3. Ludhiana is an industrial city.
4. He bought a doll for his sister. 5. These tables are made of wood. 6. A
drowning man catches at a straw. 7. His father left for London yesterday. 8.
Mathematics is my favourite subject.
Choose a suitable Abstract Noun to match each phrase :
1. A quiet room [
] pride 2. A clever boy [ ]
silence 3. A great king [ ] poverty 4. A strong girl [ ] courage 5. A proud
child [ ] strength 6. A poor beggar [ ] greatness 7. A brave policeman [ ]
innocence 8. An innocent woman [ ] intelligence
The following version in Punjabi :
The noun
A Noun is the name of a person,place or thing.(риХਿри╕ੇ риЖрижриоੀ ,ри╕риеਾрии риЬਾਂ ри╡ри╕ридੂ рижੇ рииਾрио рииੂੰ рииਾਂри╡ риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии )
1. Mr.Rajan is a book-seller.
2.Gautam was going to Batala.
3. They are eating mangoes.
риЙੱрикри░ рижਿੱридੇ ри╡ਾриХਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ ри░ਾриЬрии,римриЯਾри▓ਾ,риЧੋридрио риЕридੇ риоੈੰриЧੋ(риЕੰрим)ри╢римриж рииਾਂри╡ ри╣рии .
Kinds of Nouns(рииਾਂри╡ рижੀриЖਂ риХਿри╕риоਾਂ )
There are four kinds of Nous(рииਾਂри╡ риЪਾри░ ридри░ਾਂ рижੇ ри╣ੁੰрижੇ ри╣рии )
1.Proper Noun(ри╡ਿриЖриХридੀри╡ਾриЪ੍риХ рииਾਂри╡)
2.Common Noun(риЬਾридੀри╡ਾриЪриХ рииਾਂри╡)
3.Collective Noun(ри╕риоੁрижਾриЗри╡ਾриЪриХ рииਾਂри╡)
4.Abstract Noun(ринਾри╡-ри╡ਾриЪриХ рииਾਂри╡)
(I)Proper Noun is the name of a particular person,place or thing.
( риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿри╢ੇри╢ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ,ри╡ри╕ридੂ риЬਾਂ ри╕риеਾрии рижੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਾрио рииੂੰ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииਾриЙрии риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии.)
- · Deepak is a good boy.
- · Raju is going to Amritsar.
- · Sunita has done her home work.
- · Tommy is not a bad dog.
- · The Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.
Common noun is a word given to whole category of the same characteristics.
рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриКрии рижੀ риЙрижਾри╣ри░риг:-
Mr. Dhoni is personal name.So, it is proper name of Dhoni. If we call Dhoni only he will listen to.and no other person will listen to us.
ри╢੍ри░ੀ риоਾрии ризੋрииੀ риЗੱриХ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਿрйЫੀ рииਾрио (риХੇри╡ри▓ риЙри╕рижਾ)ри╣ੈ.риЗри╕ ридри░ਾਂ ризੋрииੀ риЗੱриХ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии ри╣ੈ.риЬੇриХри░ риЕри╕ੀਂ ризੋрииੀ риХри╣ਿ риХੇ рикੁриХਾри░ਾਂриЧੇ ридਾਂ риХੇри╡ри▓ риЙри╣ੀ ри╕ਾрибੀ риЧੱри▓ ри╕ੁригੇриЧਾ риЕридੇ риХੋриИ ри╣ੋри░ ри╕ਾрибੇ ри╡ੱри▓ ризਿриЖрии риири╣ੀਂ рижੇри╡ੇриЧਾ.риЗри╕ ридри░ਾਂ риХਿри╕ੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਿੱриЬੀ рииਾрио рииੂੰ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии.
In the above written five sentences:-
риЙੱрикри░ ри▓ਿриЦੇ рикੰриЬ ри╡ਾриХਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ :-
In the above written five sentences:-
риЙੱрикри░ ри▓ਿриЦੇ рикੰриЬ ри╡ਾриХਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ :-
- Deepak,Sunita , Shahjahan and Raju риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀриЖਂ рижੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਾрио ри╣рии.
- Amritsar риХਿри╕ੇ ри╢ри╣ਿри░ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੈ.
- Tommy риХਿри╕ੇ риЬਾриири╡ри░ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੈ.
- Taj Mahal риХਿри╕ੇ римਿри▓рибਿੰриЧ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੈ.
Now read the following sentences:-
- Limca is a very popular drink.
- Rover is the name of my friend's pet dog.
- The earthquake in Gujrat claimed many lives.
- Chandigarh is the capital of Punjab.
- Mrs.Singh is the President of the ladies club.
You will notice that the underlined words in the above sentences are all naming words.They give a special name to a particular person,animal,place or thing.(риЙੱрикри░ ри▓ਿриЦੇ рикੰриЬ ри╡ਾриХਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ ридੁри╣ਾрииੂੰ риХੁриЭ ри╢римрижਾਂ ри╣ੇриа ри▓риХੀри░ риирйЫри░ риЖриЙਂрижੀ ри╣ੋри╡ੇриЧੀ .риЗри╣ ри╢римриж риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿри╢ੇри╢ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ,риЬਾриири╡ри░,ри╕риеਾрии риЬਾਂ ри╡ри╕ридੂ рижੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਾрио ри╣рии.риЗри╣ риЙри╣рииਾਂ рижੇ рииਿрйЫੀ рииਾрио ри╣рии риЗри╕ри▓риИ риЗри╣ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии ри╣рии .)
- Mrs.Singh риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੈ.
- Rover риХਿри╕ੇ риЬਾриири╡ри░ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੈ.
- Gujarat , Chandigarh and Punjab риХਿри╕ੇ ри╕риеਾрииਾਂ рижੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਾрио ри╣рии
- Limca риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ри╕ридੂ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੈ.
After the above written discussion, it becomes clear that the name of a particular person,place or thing is called proper noun.
риЙੱрикри░ ри▓ਿриЦੇ ри╡ри░ригрии ридੋਂ риЗри╣ ри╕ਾрииੂੰ риЗри╣ ри╕риориЭ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЖриЙਂрижਾ ри╣ੈ риХੀ - риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿри╢ੇри╢ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ,ри╡ри╕ридੂ риЬਾਂ ри╕риеਾрии рижੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਾрио рииੂੰ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииਾриЙрии риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии
(II) Common Noun is the name of a whole class of a person,place or thing.(риЬਿри╕ ри╢римриж ридੋਂ риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ,ри╕риеਾрии риЬਾਂ ри╡ри╕ридੂ рижੀ рикੂри░ੀ риЬਾридੀ римਾри░ੇ римੋриз ри╣ੋри╡ੇ риЙри╕рииੂੰ риЬਾридੀри╡ਾриЪриХ рииਾਂри╡ риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии.)
· Deepak is a good boy.
· Amritsar is a holy city.
· Sunita is a good cook.
· Tommy is not a bad dog.
· This building is beautiful.
(III)Collective Noun is that word which indicates to a group of some person,place or things.(риЬਿри╕ ри╢римриж ридੋਂ риХਿри╕ੇ ри╕риоੂри╣ риЬਾਂ риЗриХриа рижਾ римੋриз ри╣ੋри╡ੇ риЙри╕рииੂੰ риЗриХриа риЬਾਂ ри╕੍риоੁри╣ри╡ਾриЪ੍риХ рииਾਂри╡ риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии.)
· He was selected in the team.
· Rohan is in seventh class.
· It is my bunch of keys.
· Mohan joined the army.
· I do not like crowd.
(IV)Abstract Noun is the name of some feelings,working or state of something.(риЬਿри╕ ри╢римриж ридੋਂ риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ри╕ридੂ рижੇ риЧੁриг,риХੰрио риЬਾਂ риЕри╡ри╕риеਾ рижਾ римੋриз ри╣ੁੰрижਾ ри╣ੈ риЙри╕рииੂੰ ринਾри╡ри╡ਾриЪриХ рииਾਂри╡ риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии.)
· Honesty is the best policy.
· I heard some laughter.
· He looked pretty in his childhood.
· Soldiers are known for bravery.
There is a great difference between proper and common noun.
рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии риЕридੇ риХਾриории рииੋриЙрии ри╡ਿੱриЪ римри╣ੁрид риЕੰридри░ ри╣ੈ.
Proper noun is the individual or personal name of any person,place or thing.
рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ,риЬриЧ੍ри╣ਾ, ри╕риеਾрии риЬਾਂ ри╡ри╕ридੁ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ риЦੁриж рижਾ рииਾрио ри╣ੁੰрижਾ ри╣ੈ.
Common noun is a word given to whole category of the same characteristics.
риХੋриории рииੋриЙрии риЗੱриХ риЕриЬਿри╣ਾ ри╢римриж ри╣ੈ риЬੋ риЗੱриХ рикੂри░ੇ ри╕риоੂри╣ рииੂੰ ри╕ੰримੋризрид ри╣ੁੰрижਾ ри╣ੈ.
Example of proper noun:-
Example of proper noun:-
рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриКрии рижੀ риЙрижਾри╣ри░риг:-
Mr. Dhoni is personal name.So, it is proper name of Dhoni. If we call Dhoni only he will listen to.and no other person will listen to us.
ри╢੍ри░ੀ риоਾрии ризੋрииੀ риЗੱриХ ри╡ਿриЕриХридੀ рижਾ риЖрикригਾ рииਿрйЫੀ рииਾрио (риХੇри╡ри▓ риЙри╕рижਾ)ри╣ੈ.риЗри╕ ридри░ਾਂ ризੋрииੀ риЗੱриХ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии ри╣ੈ.риЬੇриХри░ риЕри╕ੀਂ ризੋрииੀ риХри╣ਿ риХੇ рикੁриХਾри░ਾਂриЧੇ ридਾਂ риХੇри╡ри▓ риЙри╣ੀ ри╕ਾрибੀ риЧੱри▓ ри╕ੁригੇриЧਾ риЕридੇ риХੋриИ ри╣ੋри░ ри╕ਾрибੇ ри╡ੱри▓ ризਿриЖрии риири╣ੀਂ рижੇри╡ੇриЧਾ.риЗри╕ ридри░ਾਂ риХਿри╕ੇ риЖрикригੇ рииਿੱриЬੀ рииਾрио рииੂੰ рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии.
Example of common noun:-
риХਾриории рииੋриК рижੀ риЙрижਾри╣ри░риг :-
He is a player. Now player is a common noun.This noun is dedicated to whole category of players.
риЙри╣ риЗੱриХ риХ੍ри░ਿриХриЯри░ ри╣ੈ.ри╣ੁриг риХ੍ри░ਿриХриЯри░ (риХ੍ри░ਿриХриЯ риЦੇрибриг ри╡ਾри▓ੇ рииੂੰ риЕੰриЧ੍ри░ੇрйЫੀ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риХ੍ри░ਿриХриЯри░ риЖриЦрижੇ ри╣рии)риЗੱриХ риХਾриории рииੋриЙрии ри╣ੈ.риЗри╣ ри╢римриж ри╕ਾри░ੇ ри╕риоੂри╣ ри╡ਾри╕ридੇ ри╡ри░ридਿриЖ риЬਾਂрижਾ ри╣ੈ.
proper noun is very small in its features.
рик੍ри░ੋрикри░ рииੋриЙрии риЗੱриХри▓ੇ ри╡ਾри╕ридੇ ри╣ੁੰрижਾ ри╣ੈ.
common noun is wider in sense than proper noun
риХਾриории рииੋриЙрии риЗੱриХੋ риЬਿри╣ੇ ри╕риоੂри╣ ри╡ਾри╕ридੇ ри╕ਾਂриЭੇ ридੋри░ ридੇ ри╡ри░ридਿриЖ риЬਾਂрижਾ ри╣ੈ.
Underline the common nouns in the following sentences.Some sentences have more than one common noun. The first one has been done for you.ри╣ੇриа ри▓ਿриЦੇ ри╡ਾриХਾਂ ри╡ਿриЪੋਂ риХਾриории рииੋриЙрии рижੀ рикри╣ਿриЪਾрии риХри░риХੇ риЙри╕рижੇ ри╣ੇриаਾਂ ри▓ਾриИрии ри▓риЧਾриЙ.риХੁриЭ ри╡ਾриХਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЗੱриХ ридੋਂ ри╡риз риХਾриории рииੋриЙрии ри╣рии риХри░ੋ :-
1. The baby was afraid of the dark.
2. Many people were being treated in the hospital.
3. The sky was full of dark clouds.
4. My house is very large.
5. I like to play with my favorite toys.
6. Books give us a lot of information.
7. Amarjit has injured his arm.
8. The old lady was very lonely.
9. The train to Jalandhar was late again.
10. The teacher spoke to her students.
11. Simran loves watching the television.
Fill in the blanks with suitable common nouns to form meaningful sentences.
ри╣ੇриа ри▓ਿриЦੇ риЦਾри▓ੀ риеਾри╡ਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ ривੁриХри╡ੇਂ риХੋриории рииੋриЙрии ринри░ੋ ридਾਂ риЬੋ ри╡ਾриХ рижਾ риЕри░рие ри╕рикри╢риЯ ри╣ੋ риЬਾри╡ੇ :-
ри╣ੇриа ри▓ਿриЦੇ риЦਾри▓ੀ риеਾри╡ਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ ривੁриХри╡ੇਂ риХੋриории рииੋриЙрии ринри░ੋ ридਾਂ риЬੋ ри╡ਾриХ рижਾ риЕри░рие ри╕рикри╢риЯ ри╣ੋ риЬਾри╡ੇ :-
1. Ravi could not find his bag.
2. Rahim fell into the .............
3. The...........was late today.
4. Our......... is very beautiful.
5. We bought some...........yesterday.
6. I saw a long...........