Ten Years Paper , Class X


2011 ( sem I, II )
One evning a boy of three was out for a walk with his father.
1.       Where were the elders walking?
2.       What was the boy doing?
3.       What faith did the boy have?
4.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       Father looked back because……
b.       Bhaghat singh sacrificed his life for…..
Match the words in column A with their meanings under column B
a.       Edge                      Blameless
b.       Innocent              Boundary
c.       Curious                 surprise
d.       Wonder               inquiring
2011 (sem II )
Guru Gobind Singh, the last of the ten Sikh Gurus, was a great son of India.
1.       Who was the last sikh guru?
2.       What did he do to improve the social order?
3.       How did he put life into the dying social-order?
4.       Complete the following sentences.
a.       Guru Gobind Singh was a……of India.
b.       He was great soldier……… and a true socialist.
2012 ( sem I )
Each one of us should have a hobby. (2013/B)
1.       What is the dictionary meaning of hobby?
2.       When does the hobby become a thing for schools only?
3.       Some boys and girls do not pay any attention to hobbies. Why?
4.       Name the hobbies mentioned in the passage.
5.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       We should carry on our hobby whenever we have……..
b.       Each one of us should have…………
c.       Sometimes the students cannot pay attention to their hobbies due to………..
Match the words with column A with B
                                                         I.            Interested                          Have
                                                       II.            Lack                                       Disinterested
                                                     III.            Encourage                           Discourage
                                                    IV.            Spare                                    Occupied

2012 ( sem I part B)
Early rising leads to health and happiness.
1.       What leads to health and happiness?
2.       What is a late riser compelled to do ?
3.       Why can’t we have a clear brain at midnight?
4.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       Some thinkers can write best when……..
b.       Bad health have a bad effect on the ……….
c.       The man who rises late cannot take advantage …………..
d.       Matct the column with A and B
                                                               i.      Compelled                          Essential
                                                             ii.      Necessary                           Forced

2013/ A
The elephant is the only animal with a trunk.
1.       In what three ways does an elephant use its trunk?
2.       How much water does an elephant need to drink in a day?
3.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       The ivory from trusks is used to mae…………
b.       Elephants are used to carry………..for long distance.
                Match the words in column A with B
                                                               i.      Tusks                     Risky
                                                             ii.      Dangerous          Teeth
2013 /B
Each one of us should have a hobby. ( 2012 )
2013/ C
Ashoka was one of the greatest rulers of India.
1.       Who was the greatest rulers of India?
2.       What happened in the war of Kalinga?
3.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       Ashoka extended the Maurya Empire……..
b.       He sought peace in Buddha’s…… of love.
c.       Match the column with A and B
                                                               i.      Gave up                                Well-known
                                                             ii.      Famous                                Left

2013 ( September ) /A
Each one of us should have a hobby. ( given in 2012 semester I )

 2013 ( September ) /B
Sir alexanderFleming was a very humble and modest man.
1.       What was the nature of Sir Alexander Fleming?
2.       What did he find?
3.       For which work did he devote all his life?
4.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       Penicillin saved the lives of…….
b.       Carbolic acid and Sulpha drugs killed the …… diseases.

2013 ( semester ) / C
A man heard that a certain government department wanted a clerk.
1.       How was the man able to become a clerk?
2.       When did the man get the letter from the department.
3.       Why did the department send a letter to the man?
4.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       The letter was redirected to the man from his old address because…….
b.       The letter had been signed by…….

2014 (March) /A
Guru Gobind Singh, the last of the ten Sikh Gurus, was a great son of India.
( Already given in 2011 semest-II )
2014 ( March ) /B
Brothers and sisters, the long night is at last drawing to a close.
1.       How can we rid the land of poverty and ignorance?
2.       How can you shape your mind?
3.       Where did Swami Vevekananda carry the message?
4.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       We should make sacrifices for the sake of ……….
b.       India is gradually……………
2014 ( March ) / C
One evening a boy of three was out of a walk with his father.
( Already given in 2011 semester I, II )
2015 ( March ) /A
Early rising leads to health and happiness.
( already given in 2012 semester I part B )
2015 (March ) /B
Ashoka, the most trusted son of Bindusara and the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, was a brave soldier.
1.       What was tha name of Ashoka’s grandfather?
2.       What happened in the war of Kalinga?
3.       Complete the following sentences:
a.       Ashoka was one of the …..
b.       For Ashoka, the war of Kalinga was a……
c.       Match the words in column A with B
                                                               i.      Famous                                Drawb-in
                                                             ii.      Involved                               Well-known

2015 (March )/C
Dr. C.V. Raman was a genius who won the Nobel Prizr for Physics, using simple equipment barely worth Rs. 300.
What kind of man was Dr. C.V. Raman?
What is he famous for?
Complete the following sentences:
                The equipment that won him the Nobel Prize……..
                A research worker is successful only if he is ………..
Match the words in Column A with B
                                Conviction                           Failure
                                Success                                Doubt
2016 ( March )/A
One envening a boy of three was out for a  walk with his father.
( Already given in 2011 sem. I, II )
2016 ( March )/B
Each one of us should have a hobby.
( Already given in 2012 sem. I )
2016 ( March ) / C
The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives  us in our day’s work.
How does early rising affect one’s day’s work?
Why is the work done in the early hours generally well-done?
Complete the following sentences:
                We can find ample time for rest in the evening by…………
                Going to bed early is good for health because………….
                Match the words in columns A with B
                                Advantage                          suitable
                                Generally                             benefit
                                Tempted                             usually
                                Timely                                   attracted
2011 (sem-I)
1.       How was the statue decorated?                                ( The Happy Prince )
2.       What are machines doing for the humans?           (Where is Science Taking Us)      
3.       How can weak personalities become strong?       (Secret of Happiness)
4.       Describe the poverty of Della’s house?                   (A Gift for Christmas)
5.       Why was the seamstress’s little boy crying?          (The Happy Prince)
6.       What was written on the Apple?                               (The War of Troy)

2011 (sem-II )
1.       Where were the drops coming from?                                      (the Happy Prince)
2.       Which is the greatest triumph of science?                             (Where is Science Taking us)
3.       Did the boy change as a result or realization?                      (Secret of Happiness)
4.       Describe the present Della bought for Jim?                           (A Gift for Christmas)
2011 (sem-II )/B
1.       What were the two precious things in the city?                   (The Happy Prince)
2.       Describe the poverty of Della’s house?                                   (A Gift for Christmas)
3.       What are the consequences of war?                                        (Where is the science taking us)
4.       What enthralled the student in the psychology class?      (Secret of Happiness?
2012 (march, sem-I)/A
1.       Why was the Happy Prince crying?                                                           (The Happy Prince)
2.       What is really needed in the world today?                                             (Where is the science taking us)
3.       How did Della manage to buy the gift?                                                    (A gift for Christmas)
4.       What was the priest’s suggestion?                                                            (A war of Troy)
2012 ( March, Sem-I ) /B
1.       Why was the statue of the Happy Prince pulled down?                    (The Happy Prince)
2.       What are the consequences of war?                                                        (Where is science taking us)
3.       How can weak personalities become strong?                                       (Secret of Happiness)
4.       How had Jim managed to bring the present for Della?                      (A Gift for Christmas)
2013(March) /A
1.       Who has died?                                                                                                  (The Grief)
2.       What are the consequences of war?                                                        (Where is the science taking us)
3.       Which is the greatest day in any individual’s life?                               (Secret of Happiness)
4.       How was the earth formed?                                                                        (The making of the earth)
5.       Who was Phatik?                                                                                              (The home coming)

1.       Where did Harry ask Vermon to go ?                                                       (Rathers and Sons)
2.       What explanation did Della give to Jim?                                                 (A Gift for Christmas)
3.       What is the siut between Shylock and Antonio?                                 (The Merchant of Venice)
4.       Why was the match girl crying?                                                                  (The Happy Prince)
5.       What are the different types of fear experienced by people?        (Secret of Happiness)
1.       What did the Lord advise them?                                                                (Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thought and Practices)
2.       What were Phatik’s last words?                                                                 (The Home Coming)
3.       Describe the poverty of Della’s house?                                                   (A Gift for Christmas)
4.       What are planets?                                                                                           (The Making of The Earth)
5.       What was written on the apple?                                                                (The War of Troy)
1.       Which is the greatest truimph of science?                                             (Where is Science Taking us)
2.       Why was the Happy Prince crying?                                                           (The Happy Prince)
3.       Who was not invited to the wedding feast?                                          (The War of Troy)
4.       Why do stars twinkle?                                                                                    (The Making of the Earth)
5.       Why did Iona want to talk to the passengers?                                     (The Grief)
1.       What are the machines doing for the humans?                                   (Where is the science taking us)
2.       How was Hector killed?                                                                                 (The War of Troy)
3.       What was in the package that Jim had brought for Della?               (A Gift for Christmas)
4.       What did Harry say about Vernon?                                                           (Fathers and Sons)
5.       What is the siut between Shylock and Antonio?                                  (The Merchant of Venice)
1.       What enthralled the student in the Psychology class?                      (Secret of Happiness)
2.       What was written on the apple?                                                                (The War of Troy)
3.       What is the basis of social contract?                                                         (The Rule of the Road)
4.       Define solar system?                                                                                      (The  Making of the Earth)
5.       Why did Bishamber send for his sister?                                                   (The Home Coming)

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Sat Shree Akal jee, This video explains the new paper pattern of English for X class for the session 2020-21. I request you to please circu...